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Leading Teams exists to help teams, organisations and individuals to improve their performance.

Some teams, organisations or individuals already consider themselves to be high performers (normally based on a limited criteria) while others consider themselves to be totally dysfunctional and most, somewhere in between.

We can work with any given team. Teams of all sizes, across all types of industries in the elite sport, government, education and corporate sectors. A team is a team no matter what they do on a functional level; it’s about people coming together to achieve common goals and get stuff done.

Recognise where the gaps are

Having facilitated for around 20 years, I have been involved with many hundreds of teams and I always tell them the same thing on day one: that the only assumption I will make about them as a team is that they have room for improvement.

Where the improvement will come from will be different from team to team but clearly, the reason I have been engaged by the client in the first place is because they have recognised that they have challenges and needs around their collective and individual performances.

Of all the teams that I have worked with over 20 years, only one team felt that they were where they needed to be and had no room or need to improve. Fair to say, that was one of my shortest sessions to date.

Our role as Leading Teams facilitators is to challenge the appetite of the leaders to look at where and how their team and the individuals within it can improve their performance, regardless of whether they are already high performing or not. There is no finishing line to being a ‘great’ or ‘high performing’ team.

A hand draws a bar chart showing an improvement in performance on a chalkboard

No matter how great your team, there is always room for improvement

Focus on your dynamics

In our Performance Improvement Program, each client is exposed to the Leading Teams High Performance Model which defines what we at Leading Teams believe a high performing team or organisation should look like.

Our definition is based on over 20 years’ experience within teams and has stood the test of time. Our model splits the team / organisation into its ‘mechanics’ (strategy, org chart, KPIs, skills, policies and processes etc.) and its ‘dynamics’ (people, professional relationships, communication, behaviour, personalities, leadership, culture etc.).

When you engage Leading Teams, our focus will be on developing the team dynamics to improve individual, team and organisational performance. As the saying goes, ‘culture will trump strategy every day of the week.’

The Leading Teams philosophy centres on getting the dynamics right, which in turn will drive the mechanics, support the delivery of the desired strategy, enable sustained high performance and allow leaders to leave a lasting legacy well after they have exited the team or organisation.

Our methodology is light on theory and focuses on implementation via practical, relevant experiential activities, open dialogue and learning. Commitment to action and on-going reviews enables progress and improvement (or a lack of) to be addressed and then built back into action to be undertaken by the team or organisation as a whole and through individual roles and responsibilities.

An improved process, new strategy, reshuffled organisational chart, adjusted KPIs or a new recruit can all bring about improvement. But the most powerful improvements are often realised by peers being willing and able to engage in genuine conversations, invest in stronger professional relationships, agree on behavioural expectations, align to a team purpose and then use this framework to support performance.

I will continue to assume that like all teams on the planet, you have some room for improvement.

As a leader, do you have the stomach to acknowledge it and commit to doing something about it?

If you’d like to discuss how Leading Teams can help your team to be high performing, please give us a call on 03 9654 3744 or submit your details via our online form and we’ll call you.


Justin Peckett

Justin Peckett

Justin joined Leading Teams in 1996 as an athlete facilitator. After 17 years of a professional AFL career, playing 252 games, Justin became a full-time Facilitator/Partner in 2007.
Learn more about Justin.