Jake Bridges

I was first introduced to Ray McLean as a 15-year-old back in 1996. Ray had begun developing his business along with Kraig Grime, which later became Athlete Development Australia where I worked as an athlete facilitator and then found my way to Leading Teams as a full-time facilitator in 2015.

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How would you like to be described by your family, friends, and clients?

I would like to be described as a loving husband and dad, a dedicated facilitator – loyal, authentic, and understanding – who loves working with teams and leaders who want to improve and perform.

What is your favourite piece of leadership advice, or quote?

Knowing Is Not Doing (K.I.N.D.)
It was and still is a favourite of our co-founder Kraig Grime, a man who I admire and who has had a significant impact on my sporting, personal and professional life. It resonates with me and drills to the core of what we do to help teams and individuals improve their performance.

What does success look like with a client?

When my relationship with the key centres of influence allows for open levels of dialogue, and where mutual trust and respect is present and demonstrated in a team. When a team genuinely starts to buy in to what they agreed they wanted from each other in terms of behaviour, as a facilitator I get a real buzz out of that.

Tell us about your culture and leadership experience?

Apart from being responsible for helping drive performance across some significant brands as a facilitator, I have been in sporting teams as an athlete and coach where I have seen the clear difference between high performance and not. For me it comes down to the leaders rewarding, modelling and challenging behaviours that aren’t just sign post on the wall but instilled into the hearts and minds of their followers.

Jake has been trusted by

“Our teams have been impressed with and greatly appreciate Jake’s skills, adeptness and ‘coaching’ style in facilitation, and he has very quickly gained the trust and respect of program participants. Jake’s commitment to us as a client, and his professional approach to delivery of the program, is commendable and remains integral to our overall success in delivering much improved leadership and teamwork at Coliban Water.”

Jeff Rigby
Former Managing Director, Coliban Water