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Leading Teams facilitator Daniel Healy has been working with the leaders at SportsMed SA for a year.  The group of 17 leaders is responsible for approximately 300 staff in South Australia.

SportsMed SA faced typical challenges in the corporate world such as competing priorities and siloes between their multiple teams. They brought Daniel in to help them become a more united team; to bring their different teams together and operate more as a single, high performing entity.

Collectively, the group defined their mission as providing the best patient care and the best patient experience. They recognised that building strong professional relationships – particularly between the surgeons and the management team – would help set a precedent for collaborative working across the organisation.

The next step is to roll out the Leading Teams approach to their whole team.  The leaders wanted to get the staff’s feedback and give them an opportunity to be involved, so they decided to conduct a series of staff roadshows to make sure everyone had the opportunity to hear from the leaders and have their say.

To highlight the thought that has gone in to the program, and the importance they place on the work they’ve been doing with Daniel, SportsMed SA made this video to be hosted on their internal e-learning platform and be shared with all staff at the roadshows.

We’re very proud to be able to share it with you here.

“The Leading Teams approach has achieved our goals far more successfully than any of the others [previous programs].”

Dr Greg Keene, co-founder of SportsMed SA

For more information about how we can help your team work better together, give us a call on 03 9654 3744.


Caroline Reid

Caroline Reid

Caroline worked for Leading Teams from 2016-2018.