Jenny Devine

For over 20 years, I have supported organisations and individuals as they undergo change, growth, and innovation.

My focus has been on improving outcomes and I have been fortunate to work across a variety of sectors including education, government, not-for-profit, career management, professional services, and private business.

My passion for education, facilitation and research grew from a 13-year academic career in higher education which led to adopting an evidence-based approach when supporting senior leaders and boards.

I have worked as a consultant and senior leader creating trusted, successful connections and facilitating real change.

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How would you like to be described by your family, friends, and clients?

Resilient and adaptable, always learning, reliable and authentic.

What is your favourite piece of leadership advice, or quote?

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.” Jordan Peterson
“Be the leader you wish you had.” Simon Sinek

These two ideas from thinkers I respect, remind me that we are responsible for our own outcomes and our own behaviours.

What does success look like with a client?

It is that moment when the light switches on! Most leaders strive to do the right thing in their organisations, but we all get busy and overwhelmed by day-to-day activities. Success is about providing genuine support to provide sustained effort in developing stronger, effective teams. In the same way it is often easier to get fit with personal trainer at the gym, I believe leaders need support in building better teams. Success is a genuine partnership to keep performance on track.

Tell us about your culture and leadership experience?

Culture was once described to me as: how the team is behaving, when no one is looking.
I love this idea. I have worked, led, and consulted in great cultures and poor cultures. Work consumes such a significant part of our lives, that staff and leaders deserve a positive experience – and that does not always occur. I have walked into organisations where you can almost physically feel the culture. My academic background has equipped me with a sound set of skills for developing effective managers. Translating that into the workplace, I have led high performing teams and have inherited some challenging teams. Every team is different and what I have learnt is that the common success factor is commitment and persistence to a set of agreed behaviours.

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