Leading Conversations Season 3, Ep8:

A Prescription for Peak Performance with Colm Maguire & Mel Sykes-Bridge, TPGA

Colm Maguire

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About this episode

When Colm Maguire arrived at the Pharmacy Guild of Australia as COO, he realised the team culture wasn’t quite as described. Colm is a driven and loyal character with a long history of building successful team dynamics with the help of Leading Teams. So, it wasn’t long before be brought them into the Guild and got to work on building trust, ownership, compassion, and high performance.

Mel-Sykes Bridge, Employee Experience Manager at the Guild, echoes those initial misgivings, but today, along with Colm are part of a formidable team that has completely turned the tide, demonstrating high rates of success internally and externally.

Episodes are released fortnightly, so stay tuned as we explore different journeys of personal leadership and cultural change.

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Anna Sallows

Anna Sallows

Anna has been part of Leading Teams since 2019. She relishes being part of a successful team, in all facets of her life, as a sister, daughter, partner, colleague, friend, teammate and coach.