Leading Conversations Ep6: Putting a Man on the Moon with Mary Campbell

Leading Conversations Ep6:

Putting a Man on the Moon with Mary Campbell

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About this episode

This final episode takes a slightly different approach, Mary Campbell, CEO of TAFE Queensland reflects on her 30 years at TAFE, sharing her insights into leadership and cultural development, as she talks with host Lisa Alexander AM. There are no shortcuts to achieving a strong culture and high performing teams, it’s about the long game. Leaders must believe in the work they do, be driven to achieve goals and passionate about the journey. With three decades in the vocational training and education space and leading a staff of 4000 across the state, Mary embodies these ideas because she believes to her core that the goal of TAFE Queensland is to provide people with skills and the dignity of work.

Episodes are released fortnightly, so stay tuned as we explore different journeys of personal leadership and cultural change.

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Guy Redhouse
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