Jesse McLean
My first experience with the work of Leading Teams was on the North Ballarat Rebels Camp at the Grampians in 1997. This experience had a profound impact and I have been determined to be involved with Leading Teams since that day.
I recently completed my Bachelor Health and Physical Education at Federation University which allowed me to work part-time at Leading Teams. This has now eventuated into full-time role as a facilitator, working with the Founder, and my Dad, Ray McLean.
How would you like to be described by your family, friends, and clients?
Reliable, Empathetic, Genuine, Affable, Committed, Loyal.
What is your favourite piece of leadership advice, or quote?
“Winning is not as important as being the best that I can be.” Sally McLean
This resonates with me because it was written in an article by my late Mum, and I believe that people are so driven and focussed on results that we tend to forget about becoming better people throughout the process.
What does success look like with a client?
Success would be a client having clear understanding what their purpose is, and why they exist. Embracing their trademark and values which is evident in the way they perform, review, challenge, and reward. Having the group comfortable to have genuine conversations, after working rigorously around building strength in their relationships to withstand these discussions. I would hope by focussing on these key dynamics the team would strive towards becoming a high performing team, that has built a strong cultural framework.
Tell us about your culture and leadership experience?
Having been exposed to Leading Teams from a young age, I have an insight on the importance of having a strong culture and leaders within the organisation driving the standards. Throughout my journey I have been exposed to some poor performing work environments with ordinary cultures, however, this has been fantastic for my development to understand the importance of good leadership, building relationships, agreed behaviours and impact you have on colleague’s (especially younger workers or team members).